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Bradford Factor calculator

Click or type in the boxes provided to get your Bradford Factor score.

The Bradford Factor is a simple formula to apply a relative weighting to unplanned absences. A higher score suggests that the level of absence could be having a larger impact on your business.

But remember, not all absences are equal! Bradford Factor scores shouldn’t be used as a hard metric for making disciplinary decisions.

We encourage you to think of it as a tool to help you spot potential issues within your teams and ensure they get the support they need.

How it works

Absence count
The total number of spells of absence in a given timeframe (normally a rolling 12 month period)

Days absent
The total number of days of absence for the same period

For example, a spell of 2 days absent then a spell of 3 days absent means an absence count of 2 and a days absent count of 5.

Sona's employee app helps care organisations manage employee absences more effectively.

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